Wednesday, June 29, 2011


My cereal & baking items stockpile shelf.
Stockpiling and couponing go hand in hand, you save up the good deals when they come so that you have enough on hand for your daily and future usage until that item is on sale again (typically 8-12 weeks is the time between sales for any particular item).

Stockpiles are also great for in case of emergency, let's say you're unable to afford food all of a sudden.  No worries because you already have a stockpile of the essentials to last you for a while.  Stockpiles allow you to donate as well.  Let's say a family member needs a little extra help this month, you can let them "shop" your stockpile with no worries (most of your stockpile items will be free or down right cheap anyway).  They're super helpful if you're someone who has a chronic condition and you don't always have the energy to go out to pick up things for dinner or want something easy to whip up.  This is my case and on the days when I'm too sick to make something elaborate, I go to my stockpile and pull out some mac & cheese or a hamburger helper.

Start your stockpile at whatever level you are comfortable with.  Save up your coupons and collect as many as you can, this way when you find a super sale on cereal and combine it with your coupons you can get most of them for free.  80% of the cereal on my shelf was free after coupons!

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