Wednesday, June 22, 2011

Sunday Papers

The number #1 place most people get their coupons is the Sunday newspaper.  When you're first starting out, there is no need to buy 15 copies of the newspaper!  There's an easy way to calculate how many papers you should buy: Number of people in your home = Number of Newspapers you should buy.  However, when you are starting out double this number or triple it, that way you build your stock of coupons up faster.  I have a 2 person household and typically purchase 2-5 newspapers.

The other key is that different regions and Newspapers, most of the time, have different coupons.  For instance some newspapers might carry $0.75 off Cheerios while others have $1 off of 2 boxes.  Some papers generally carry better coupons.  The price of newspapers varies as well so some newspapers might be a better value than others.

For instance, for my area I generally purchase The Lawrence Eagle Tribune (my city's newspaper) for $2.50, The Lowell Sun for $1.75 and The Boston Herald for $2.  Typically The Lowell Sun is my best value newspaper, it has better and often times more coupons for a lower price than my newspaper.  You don't have to run around town either, if you shop for your newspapers at a convenience store like I do, they will have the paper for more than one area.

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